
F.O.C.U.S. Greater Syracuse, Forging Our Community’s United Strength

Citizens’ Strategic Plan - A Road Map for Action


Note = THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, join us if you want to contribute !


CNY Pathways  Connecting Healthy Communities            (current as of Jan. 11, 2011)


Definition of Sustainability

A thriving, sustainable community is a place that provides a safe, healthy, high quality of life for current and future generations. Sustainability pertains to the interrelationships and interdependence of economic vitality, social equity, and environmental preservation.



VISION: Make Central New York a healthy place where allhuman modes of travel are safe, accessible, and easy and support healthy neighborhoods.

MISSION:  Create a clear, unified Citizens’ Plan for Action with specific goals for a connected network of routes for biking, hiking, walking, and wheeling throughout CNY.

RECOMMENDATION FOR ALL CHALLENGES: Create public web site with maps, safety information, and contacts.



Challenge #1: Provide safety and security for walkers, hikers, and wheelchair users



Recommendations for Challenge #1



Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #1.1

Assess conditions of major pedestrian intersections


1.      Audit pedestrian intersections using Complete Cities standards

2.      Analyze data

3.      Prepare summary report

4.      Distribute results


FOCUS (repository for completed audits)


Recommendation #1.2

Improve, repair, and maintain existing sidewalks in city and villages


1.      Clean debris from existing sidewalks

2.      Add signage (e. g. Share the Road) as appropriate

3.      Develop Pedestrian Infrastructure Maintenance Plan to prioritize activities

4.      Identify sidewalks most in need of repair

5.      Ensure that no obstructions exist


City of Syracuse DPW

Recommendation #1.3

Provide traffic calming and awareness tools at high accident and other identified dangerous intersectionsto improve pedestrian safety

1.      Research availability/ recommend addition of pedestrian cones and other visual cues at identified dangerous intersections

2.      Provide education re: pedestrian right of way in NYS

3.      Review existing information to aid in intersection identification

4.      Construct calming measures at intersections

City, County DOT, towns and villages, FOCUS results of intersection audits, SMTC, CNYRPDB, City of Syracuse DPW



Recommendations for Challenge #1



Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #1.4

Require commercial and residential developers to design new parking lots/garages and redesign existing lots/garages to improve safety for walkers and drivers and provide parking for bicycles

1.      Hold informational meeting with City Constituent Services/L. Speicher

2.      City legislation currently in place; ongoing work with developers

3.      Create/promote legislation to require developers to include amenities for pedestrians and cyclists

Home Builders & Remodelers Assoc. of CNY,  City and County Zoning Boards, City of Syracuse  DPW

Recommendation #1.5

Implement Safe Routes to School


1.      Map routes throughout region (3 schools completed)

2.      Coordinate activities with Syracuse University programs

3.      Use national SRTS website as resource to develop school curriculum and training programs  for parents, teachers, students


City of Syracuse DPW,  Jonnell Allen Robinson, Bob Haley

Recommendation #1.6

Develop community-wide training, education, and marketing programs

1.      Implement Walking School Bus programs in neighborhoods

2.      Solicit volunteers to participate



TNT neighborhood groups, FOCUS volunteers





Challenge #2: Provide safety and security for cyclists



Recommendations for Challenge #2



Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #2.1

Develop a comprehensive cycling infrastructure to improve cycling safety

1.      Create regional Bike Lane Master Plan

2.      Increase supply of bicycle parking/racks

3.      Develop template for sign attachments

4.      Recalibrate traffic lights to improve road safety for all users

City of Syracuse DPW, FOCUS Volunteers, Onondaga County, Village officials, Hanover Square Assoc., Armory Square Assoc., Other Business Owners


Recommendation #2.2

Improve, repair, and maintain existing bicycle paths in city and villages


1.      Add bicycle lanes

2.      Clean debris from existing bicycle lanes

3.      Add signage (e. g. Share the Road) as appropriate

4.      Ensure that no obstructions exist


City of Syracuse DPW

Recommendation #2.3

Provide traffic calming and awareness tools at high accident and other identified dangerous intersections to improve cyclist safety

1.      Research availability/ recommend addition of visual cues at identified dangerous intersections

2.      Provide education re: cycling rules in NYS

3.      Review existing information to aid in intersection identification


City, County DOT, towns and villages, FOCUS results of intersection audits, SMTC, CNYRPDB, City of Syracuse DPW





Challenge #3: Teach everyone how to share the road safely



Recommendations for Challenge #3



Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #3.1

Provide training and education courses for drivers and pedestrians


1.      Research existing models (e. g. Capital Coexist) for application in CNY

2.      Use DMV Driver’s Manual as education resource

3.      Support legislation requiring inclusion of bicycle awareness in Driver’s Education courses


Better World Club, School Drivers Ed programs, Branches and other driving schools,  DMV

Recommendation #3.2

Increase awareness of pedestrian and bicycle regulations and safety issues


1.      Involve Onondaga County Traffic Safety Board

2.      Support/promote bicycling programs for children and adults

City of Syracuse Parks & Recreation,

Onondaga County Parks & Recreation

Recommendation #3.3

Promote integration and coordination of activities with partners and collaborators to ensure cohesiveness/continuity/

alignment of all trails 

1.      Identify common language to support regular, consistent communication

2.      Provide list(s) of accomplishments to partners, others

3.      Develop ongoing forums for communication

(e. g. Google docs)

4.      Conduct annual meeting of all partners


All groups represented on CNY Pathways group, other identified community partners, P. King





Challenge #4: Encourage walkable communities and accessible urban trails



Recommendations for Challenge #4



Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #4.1

Develop Directory/Table of Contents listing resources and maps


1.      Identify current resource data

2.      Work with Onondaga County Library and other organizations to collect and add information

3.      Develop consistent mapping system

4.      Develop database to serve as index to materials

5.      Consolidate/distribute data

FOCUS Volunteers, CNYRPDB, SMTC, SOCPA, Urban Design Center, Onondaga County Parks & Recreation, Parks & Trails NY, Onondaga County Public Library, City of Syracuse Parks & Recreation, CenterState CEO, Syracuse Convention and Visitors Bureau



Recommendations for Challenge #4


Prioritized Strategies



Recommendation #4.2

Develop dedicated website/links devoted to routes and trails for safe cycling, walking, hiking, and wheeling 

1.      Hold discussions with community partners re: using current platforms

2.      Post information on existing platforms

3.      Explore internal maintenance sites

City of Syracuse Parks & Recreation, Onondaga County Parks & Recreation, Syracuse Convention & Visitors Bureau, SMTC, SOCPA, P. King

Recommendation #4.3

Validate and promote the health benefits of trails/walking/hiking/cycling for people of all ages and abilities


1.      Increase citizen knowledge and awareness of existing trails and health benefits

2.      Provide information/support to local events

3.      Suggest improvements to air quality around trail areas to enhance benefits to walkers, hikers, cyclists, and wheelers

4.      Plant new trees and other wind barriers

5.      Develop one trail to serve the needs of all, including those with visual, physical, and other impairments


Onondaga County Health Department, NYS Dept. of Health, NYS Healthy Hearts, American Cancer Society, AARP, Aurora, Insurers, Physicians, YMCA

Recommendation #4.4

Create phone apps/handheld instruments with walking tours, photos, historical, and current information of downtown, neighborhoods, and village centers

1.      Research technical requirements for these applications

2.      Develop business plan

3.      Identify resources/funding sources


FOCUS Working Group, CNYRODB, City of Syracuse Parks & Recreation, Onondaga County Parks & Recreation, SMTC


Recommendation #4.5

Reconnect CNY communities by providing a connected network of routes for cycling and walking throughout the City of Syracuse and surrounding communities

1.      Implement ESF to Erie Canal (SE Trail) proposal

2.      Revise Bike Suitability Map

3.      Research concept of Urban Village Zones utilized in other cities (e. g. Seattle)

4.      Connect villages and diverse neighborhoods with healthy walkways

5.      Promote and encourage collaboration among all partners


SMTC, City of Syracuse DPW,  CNYRPDB, Parks & Trails NY, City and County towns and villages

Recommendation #4.6

Complete paved walking/hiking/bicycle path

around Onondaga Lake (Loop the Lake)


1.      Work with existing partners

2.      Encourage citizen input and participation in the planning process

Onondaga County Parks & Recreation, Honeywell, Citizens, DEC, CSX

Recommendation #4.7

Support proposals for accessible canalway

1.      Hold/attend  meetings with key stakeholders (Canal Heritage Commission, Parks & Trails NY, Canalway Trail Association NY)  to solicit support for the project

2.      Promote citizen engagement in project

Canal Heritage Commission, City of Syracuse Transportation Planning, City of Syracuse Parks & Recreation, Onondaga County Parks & Recreation, SMTC, Parks & Trails NY, Canalway Trail Association NY



Revised 01/11/11